Having an “Attitude of Gratitude” With Customers This Thanksgiving

With Halloween 2014 becoming a fading memory, everyone is starting to have Thanksgiving and the extended holiday weekend of post turkey tryptophan induced naps and Black Friday holiday shopping on the brain.  Amidst all of the excitement of the impending holiday season with all of it’s preparation and fanfare, we often lose sight of what Thanksgiving is all about.

This lost sense of holiday meaning has sparked social media outlets and their users to react by encouraging members to participate in gratitude and appreciation based posting.  One well known example of these appreciation based posting is the 30 Day Thankfulness Challenge.   The idea is to post something each day to Facebook that the user is thankful for.

While having an “attitude of gratitude” on your Facebook page is great way to celebrate all that you are thankful for, Thanksgiving also offers businesses the opportunity to express their gratitude to customers and clients. Having an “attitude of gratitude” towards your customers in November lets you as a business owner genuinely express how thankful you are that they choose your business over the others in the industry.  After all, there are competitors in your industry that they could choose over you, right?  Without their consistent loyalty, your business wouldn’t be as successful as it is, correct?

As noted in last month’s blog, certain times of year are noteworthy advertising opportunities. Back to School sales,  Christmas sales and “springing into Summer” sales are commonplace.  Holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving often get overlooked when they present a unique opportunity for marketing.

Whether you present a blanket coupon for a percentage or dollar amount off of your services in the month of November to repeat customers or offer them a deal on future services if they make a purchase in November, you’ll be able to express your gratitude for their business.  Everyone likes to feel appreciated.  Make November the month that you let your customers know what they mean to you.  They’ll be thanking you for all that you do in the months ahead.

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