Real-Time Reporting to Grow Your Business!

Real-Time Reporting Dashboard to Grow Your Business

Actively marketing your business is very important to differentiate yourself from the competition. Furthermore, it’s important to ensure your marketing efforts are being done properly and efficiently. These streamlined efforts go a long way in order to grow your business in a positive direction month-over-month.

Business owners are well aware of the benefits that come from online marketing. You have the ability to target your direct audience through Search Engine Marketing, such as Pay-Per-Click Ads. Potential customers can also be captured by Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your website and by showcasing your Positive Reviews from previous customers.

Effective Marketing Results in Real-Time

At the end of the day, we are the experts at specializing in Internet Marketing for Contractors. As a Home Service business, we want you to focus on providing the highest levels of customer service on every job. Allow us to grow your business online by getting you new customers. Throughout that process, we also want you to have the ability to be tuned in to the important metrics that we are focusing on to make you even more successful.

Allow me to now introduce to you the newest element of our services. We now offer all our clients a custom dashboard with real-time reporting that showcases the metrics that are proven to grow your business online! Your Reporting dashboard is built with individual widgets that can be clicked to explore more specific details for the type of service being performed. We’re extremely proud of the results we get you, and want you to view these with real-time accessibility.

Access your Results Anytime

Analyzing your marketing data should revolve around your schedule. Internet marketing agencies are notorious for sending out Monthly Reports. The problem is, when those reports come out, they seem to be written in a foreign language and you’re too busy to make sense of them. That is no longer an issue when you allow Mr. Pipeline to grow you business online. You will be given immediate access to your own custom dashboard with metrics that are easy to understand in a simple format. To make it even easier, we initially walk you through the dashboard to give you a better understanding of your Reporting. And as always, we are available to answer your questions at anytime!

Helping to Grow Your Business

We don’t roll the dice for any marketing services that we perform. All our marketing efforts are process built from tested and proven results. As I mentioned earlier, we are the experts at Internet Marketing for Contractors! If you are a Home Service professional and are looking to become even more successful, contact us today for a Free Consultation. We will give you a Risk Free Proposal to determine if any of our marketing services fall in line with the goals of your business. We look forward to speaking with you soon![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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