Why Your Business Needs A Regular Email Newsletter

Despite all of the social media outlets available to businesses today to market their services and engage customers, many opt to not engage in a marketing effort that proves to be highly effective- sending out a regular email newsletters to your customers and clients.

Email marketing campaigns are tried and true and should not be overlooked as a means to retain current business, build relationships with your client base, and add to your ever growing list of leads. In fact, research by the Direct Marketing Association proves that 66% of consumers have made an only purchase thanks to an email marketing message. That’s a pretty high percentage rate, and as the holidays approach we all know that online sales skyrocket.

Need more reason to convince you that you shouldn’t overlook this powerful marketing tool?
Here are some things to think about

1) You’re more likely to target a wider variety of people. While a lot of people of all demographics do have social media, how many of them are regularly active on it? Think about email for a moment. Even individuals who may only access their Facebook accounts on occasion likely check their email at least several times a week (if not daily.) By creating an email marketing campaign, you’re reaching that demographic that may not be seeing what you have to say on Facebook or understand how to use Facebook to follow or interact with businesses.

2) It gives you an opportunity to offer special discounts and promotions – Do you ever find yourself printing off coupons to local restaurants or using codes in email campaigns to make your purchases? By investing your time in creating a monthly email newsletter, you’re giving yourself another opportunity to offer a special or promotion specifically for those on your email list. Additionally, it’s a great way to determine for yourself how effective your marketing campaign is. If you use an email newsletter specific code or coupon, you’ll be able to determine just how many people are taking the time to read your newsletter.

3) It helps keep your name in front of potential customers and retain your old customers – As we’ve discussed in other blogs, building brand recognition is key to the success of your business. Email marketing newsletters allow you another opportunity to get in front of your audience and share what makes you stand apart from the competition. It’s also another opportunity to provide a subtle reminder not to forget that you are there when they need your services. Do you look for high paying casino websites in New Zealand? Check https://exycasinos.co.nz/best-paying-online-casinos/ where you will face online casinos that have the highest payout percentage. Such sites have a high RTP.

4) It allows customers to get involved and share their talents – Many email newsletters include a section of either customer submitted material or about customer-centric events and issues. Runmino, a Boston based company that proves a product that reduces running injuries has a section of their monthly newsletter devoted to giving accolades to fans who recently completed their first marathons, complete with photos. Another company that endorses a pet food product asks fans to submit monthly stories about pet adoptions and shares the best stories as part of the monthly newsletter. Never forget that “loving on your customer” is a great way to build loyalty and make your customers return again and again.

5) It’s cost and time effective – Some companies opt to send out a weekly newsletter, others send them out monthly. You can make a determination on what works best for your business, taking into account the products and services you offer. Regardless, putting together a monthly newsletter is relatively easy and inexpensive. There are even email marketing tools such as MailChimp that are free to use, allowing you to upgrade to paid subscriptions to add more features.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to keep all of your customers involved – even those who might not regularly visit social media sites. Consider adding a weekly or monthly email newsletter to your marketing strategy as you approach 2015.

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