Google Chat & Call History Soon to Go Away

Google Chat & Call History Soon to Go Away

Google recently announced a change happening in Google Business Profile. Starting July 15th, customers will no longer be able to initiate new conversations through the chat feature on Google Business Profile. However, existing conversations can continue until the end of the month. Any customers who are in existing chat conversations will be notified of the feature phaseout. By July 31st, the chat functionality will be completely disabled. 

Timeline for Google Business Profile Chat and Call History Shutdown

  • July 15, 2024: New chat initiation will be disabled.
  • July 31, 2024: Visibility of chat and call history within your Google Business Profile reports will end. Users will not be able to respond to or view existing chat sessions.
  • August 30, 2024: Google will delete all call history records. If you need records for your business, make sure to download them before this date.

Google Business Profile

Impact of Losing GBP Call History and Chat Features

These features have benefited numerous small businesses by offering a way to reference calls and directly connect with potential customers via Google Business Profile. The chat feature, specifically, has served as a direct method for potential customers to interact with businesses directly within Google Search.

The timeline for this shutdown is unusually quick compared to Google’s typical pace, which often spans several months or even years. Businesses that have depended on these tools for customer interaction and lead generation must adapt quickly. 

Tips to Adapt and Connect with Customers Via Google Business Profile

With the chat feature going away, it’s crucial that customers still have other reliable ways to connect with your business. Here’s how you can be proactive in preparing for this upcoming change. 

1. Optimize Your Contact Information

You will still be able to receive calls from your Google Business Profile. Ensure your phone number listed is current and ready to receive calls. 

2. Attach Your Website with Your GBP

Make sure that your website is directly connected to your Google Business Profile. It has the potential to turn visitors into active customers on your site. Make it a priority to ensure your website is optimized to convert visitors into leads by employing clear calls to action, easy navigation, and information that addresses their needs and interests.

3.   Introduce Live Chat Feature

If you’ve previously seen benefits from the Google Chat feature, such as receiving customer inquiries or quotes directly through your Google Business Profile, then it’s a good idea to introduce a live chat feature on your own website. This tool can be an effective way to maintain direct engagement with your customers. With a live chat feature, you can address customer questions instantly, provide support, and upgrade user experience by making interaction convenient and accessible. 

4. Encourage Customer Reviews

Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your profile and respond to each one personally. This strategy can complement your SEO efforts and demonstrate your dedication to customer satisfaction. 

5. Engage Actively with Regular Posts

Use the Posts feature on your profile to share timely updates, special offers, events, or news that can attract and retain customer interest. Each post is a new opportunity to engage with your audience and strengthen a connection with them.


While the upcoming changes to Google Business Profile may seem challenging, they also present an opportunity to refine your customer engagement strategies. By proactively updating your contact information, integrating a live chat feature on your website, encouraging customer reviews, and actively posting on your profile, you can ensure a seamless transition and maintain strong connections with your customers. 

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