Welcome to your new SEO Service! Let's Get StartedPlease take a few minutes to answer these questions so our team can get started on your new Marketing Campaign! Step 1 of 2 50% Please provide your Business Name:*Business Address:* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Business Phone Number:*Please list your Mr. Pipeline Goals and Expectations for 3 Months, 6 Months and 1 Year.* Search Engine Optimization We need "Admin Access" to your website. Please grant Admin Access to <web@mrpipeline.com>* I was able to complete this. I need help with this. Please enter your current Website Login Credentials.We need "Manager Access" to your Google Business Profile.*DIRECTIONS: Log into Google Business Profile and click on your business name that appears. | Once there, in the Left Menu, you will see "Users" – click that | Then click the blue button that says "Add users" | Enter our Agency ID: 5162122034 and click on "Mr. Pipeline SEO" that appears in the drop down menu. | Chose the Manager role option, and click "Invite." I was able to complete this. I need help with this. We need "Admin Access" to your Business Facebook profile. This step MUST be done on a desktop computer. Please accept the Page Roles Request that we sent to your business page.*DIRECTIONS: Log into Facebook and go onto the business page (on a desktop not a mobile device) | Once there, in the top right corner you will see “settings” – click that | Once in settings on the left hand side you will see “page roles” – click that | Once in page roles on the right hand side you will see where Mr. Pipeline is requesting admin access. Please accept that. I was able to complete this. I need help with this. Additional SEO Notes:If you have any other thoughts or questions, please list them here and we'll be sure to connect with you as soon as possible!THANKS FOR YOUR TIME! 😊So happy to have you as part of our family!