Frequently Asked Questions

General Digital Marketing Questions

There are a lot of factors that come into play when determining this answer. Variables such as type of industry and the local market you serve are the biggest items to look at. For example, a painting company with 4 trucks on the road that serves the Miami, FL market has a completely different budget that a painting company with 1 truck that serves a smaller market like Savannah, GA. Our rule of thumb is if you can’t spend $1,000 or more a month on Google Ads, digital advertising might not be the best fit for your company as of today.

The best services for a company just launching their business should be word of mouth, flyers, Facebook posts, online reviews and yard signs. But once it’s time to scale, we highly recommend starting out with Google Ads to drive in a significant ROI.

Dominating aka controlling most of the market share in your local service area takes time. You must have a powerful online presence supported by offline strategies that help you command market share.

There are many different ways to acquire customers online. For the home service industry, statistics show that Google Ads yields the very best ROI.

Consumer search behavior is always changing. It’s paramount that your business is in front of them when they search the web. People are online more than ever and mobile searches are at an all time high- make sure your business is shining bright when they are are searching.

Simply put, digital marketing means to advertise or market your business on the internet.

There are a handful of reasons why a lead will not convert to a customer. Through our experience in the Home Service industry, we’ve narrowed down the list to the Top 3 Reasons:

  • Pitch – this is the overall perception of your company that the prospect receives. It starts with the initial impression the prospect gets from your website as well as how the phone call/form submission is handled. Are you portrayed as a high-quality company, are the phone calls/follow-ups handled with professionalism, do you have positive 5-Star Reviews on Google and Facebook, and how available is your scheduling?


  • Price – are you competitive in your local market? Whether you are the most expensive or the cheapest company, it’s all about the value you build into your services. Just throwing out an estimated cost to your prospect will not secure as many jobs as explaining the process to the customer and why you “earn the right” to charge the price you ask.


  • Product – your company most likely performs a service, but the “product” is considered as the outcome of the job once the service is complete. Do you strive to exceed all of your customer’s expectations? Your “product” is a direct correlation to the amount of positive online reviews and recommendations your company receives.

Google Ads Questions

Click Through Rate– this is an important metric that gives us the percentage of ratio to clicks; i.e. how often your ad is seen and then clicked on. Google sees a 1-2% as a successful CTR.

Cost Per Click– the cost an ad will accrue when clicked on. Ranges due to it being dependent on area, service and competition.

This isn’t always possible because everything needs to align with search volume. We need to ensure that that service would have a search volume of a minimum of 2,000 searches. Without reaching that 2,000 minimum monthly searches, the conversion will be drastically off and the experience could be poor. Our account strategists will cover this on your initial call with us.

There are many reasons. The first would be that search volume is low. The second reason could be your budget is too small. To help make expectations easier, we take your CPC and your budget and we can can tell you how many leads to expect at the 10% Digital Marketing Industry Standard Conversion Rate. Having a good grasp on your lead expectation is a great way to ensure that goals are being met.

CPC is reliant on a lot of moving parts— area, competition and service. Keep in mind that we start by casting a wide net with the keywords and over time we refine until we find which specific keywords give you the best ROI.

We absolutely do. Negative keywords are used to ensure you don’t get pulled up for a service you do not do or to ensure that when client’s are searching with a DIY intent, you are not getting pulled up.

We sure do! Optimizing and removing the irrelevant keywords that show up as searches is one of the many, very important strategies we apply.

When it comes to Google Ads, there are a few things to note! First, you need to ensure you are searching for keywords in your campaign. Second, when you search for your ad too often and do NOT click on it, Google marks this ad as irrelevant to you and shows other ads. Third, it depends on the area you are searching from. We recommend using because it allows you to search for your ads (there’s no ability to click on the ads so it gives a sense of security) and it allows you to search from whatever area you specify.

This is due to call forwarding! We use call tracking In order to be able to accurately track the traffic coming in from the Google ads campaign, to better track conversion and ROI! The numbers swap and change to allow for a better user experience. Be assured that all numbers redirect to your business line.

It simply means pay-per-click. It means you pay a certain amount for every click your business incurs. The price is set by Google.

SEO Questions

Keeping a social pulse on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are extremely helpful! So is providing new content, such as verbiage and photos, and gaining new reviews (especially on Google and Facebook). Keep your Google Business Profile up to date as well by publishing new media, making additional posts and responding to online reviews.

There is no perfect answer because there are a ton of factors that are in the way such as competitions SEO efforts, large corporate brands commanding all the real estate on page 1 and more. Our general rule of thumb is 6 months to one year give or take until you start landing your keywords on page 1 of the search engine.

The map pack is the small area on page 1 of Google. Every company wants to shine bright there. The same factors that affect your organic rankings are the same factors that will affect your Maps ranking.

Each month, depending on your specific SEO package, the team works on a mix of both Onsite and Offsite SEO optimizations. This includes new city pages, optimizations of existing pages, citation creation, link-building, Google my Business posts, Google my Business photo updates, keyword monitoring, and much more!

Backlinks are organic links that are built that ultimately lead back to your website. They need to be built correctly to ensure your website never gets flagged due to Black Hat activities. We do offer back links when you sign up for one of our SEO packages and we only perform White Hat SEO tactics.

Have no fear! It is absolutely normal to see negative fluctuations from time to time. The name of the game with SEO is constant maintenance and optimizations– some months you will skyrocket with ranking and other months you will incur a dip. It’s the nature of the beast when it comes to achieving page 1 rankings in the end.

  • Onsite optimization involves ensuring everything on your website is designed to be “google-friendly” and keyword orientated. This includes keyword driven content, headings, meta data (Title tags and Descriptions), inbound and outbound links, as well as high quality images and keyword saved image names.


  • Offsite optimization revolves around aspects that point to your website from other sites. This includes correct and up to date citations, directory listings, and high quality links pointing to your site. In order to dominate your local SEO market a precise mix of onsite and offsite SEO optimization is needed.

City pages are pages created that focus on specific cities within your service area. These are extremely important for Local SEO efforts. When a customer searches for a keyword in a specific area, they will be shown the city page that is associated with their specific location. For example, if company ABC’s home base is in Marietta, GA and a customer searches for “pressure washing near me” but they are located in the Atlanta area, company ABC’s Atlanta city page will appear on the Google search results instead of their home page. This is because the Atlanta city page is optimized for these local searches, while the home page is optimized for the home base of Marietta, GA and Marietta related keywords.

Optimizing your homepage for your home base area is an important pillar for SEO. This ensures your SEO foundation is correctly optimized from your home base outwards. Once your home page is ranking great for your home base, we can begin focusing on city pages to generate traffic within other areas.

Great question! Getting reviews, taking photos, posting on social media and providing content is a great way to complement our SEO efforts. While the work we do is most of the puzzle, these factors help increase your brand visibility.

When your website ranks on page 1 for valuable search terms, your business is positioned as a local market leader. Page 1 rankings are also digital assets that you business now essentially owns (as long astray are maintained). It also increases brand visibility when always translates to more business. The key is remember that SEO is a long term play that is the perfect supplement when you already have a primary lead source in place.

SEO is all about ranking and leveraging organic positions to increase lead flow as well as online visibility. When consumers search, they typically use Google (or Bing which we also rank our clients for in order to remain competitive) to research. Some consumers go to Google Ads, some to solely SEO and some cross reference both.

This is a great and common question with SEO! There is no set time for when you will see rankings when it comes to SEO. This is because SEO is constantly moving in order to remain competitive on Google. While we cannot give an exact time, usually 4-6 months is when you begin to see some solid traction on your SEO efforts.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization! This refers to the organic results on search engines such as Google and Bing. This does not include Google ads.

Mr. Pipeline Agency Questions

Mr. Pipeline is a leader in digital marketing for service companies. Our team is award winning and always strives for excellence when executing our strategies. We are known as being cost effective and do our very best to ensure you will be a client for life.

We offer real time communication using our state of the art platform called Basecamp. In this environment, you will be able to speak directly when anyone on our team, share pictures and videos and schedule phone calls with your Client Success Manager. All you have to do is simply download the app to your phone and start executing!

We don’t have long- term contracts. Our terms are only 6 months and continue month to month thereafter. Your billing date will be the day you enroll and every month following on or around that specific date (We do not manually process payments on weekends).

No, we are Google Ads and SEO experts and Social Media Marketing done at a high level should be performed by a true professional. We do however, syndicate your Google Reviews directly to you Facebook page to help your business shine brighter!

Our recommendation for a professional Social Media Marketing Manager is One Love Social. Be sure to tell them you are a referral from Mr. Pipeline!

We’ve worked with over one thousand clients since our inception in 2012.

It’s simple. We help companies grow by gaining new customers through Google Ads and ranking high in the search engine with SEO.

Our primary method of communication is in our Basecamp platform. We also love hopping on strategy calls with our clients so schedule phone calls are always welcomed! We touch base monthly in Basecamp and will hop on phone calls whenever is best for you.

Mr. Pipeline was born in 2012.

We are proud to be different. In fact our agency was started to help companies that were trapped into working with large corporations and were just another number. We work hard to offer a custom and personal experience that is built on transparency and trust. We have over one hundred real Google reviews from real clients just like you that vouch for our service. We are also confident that you won’t find a better company that offers more value for the price. On top of that, our CEO, Jon Majak is a home service leader that has real experience in growing a seven figure service business and only applies the strategies that will get you there.

Help small businesses excel online so they can thrive and smoke their competition.

The Chief Executive Officer of Mr. Pipeline is Jon Majak.

We offer Google Ads Management, Search Engine Optimization, Web Design and Review Generation.

Basecamp is our client communication platform. It allows you to have real time dialogue with anyone on our team as well as send pictures, videos, book calls, and so much more!

We understand that life happens and sometimes you may need to pause your Google Ads campaigns. Whether it’s a seasonal pause or a natural disaster is impacted your area, we got your back! Just let us know ahead of time and we will adjust accordingly. Do to the nature of SEO, it’s literally impossible for us to pause services and pick up where we left off a few months later. Your rankings will drop and we will need to make sure they are maintained so your business doesn’t get affected.

You can find real time results within your Result Dashboard. Please visit We also mail our reporting on a monthly basis for your peace of mind.

Thank you for the opportunity. To get started, call (561) 899-3043 or send an email with the Subject “Get Started” to

Website Questions

Your website should be updated as often as possible with fresh content. We recommend sharing pictures and videos in Basecamp monthly and our team will make sure to get everything implemented.

There are many factors that contribute to an increase in conversions. The success is in the details. From your brand logo to the colors you use, to the font style and the pictures you choose, there is an opportunity to increase lead flow across the board. We recommend contact forms, mole “Call Now” buttons and trust signals such as testimonials or reviews. We have a list of over 50 techniques we integrate into your lead machine site when you sign up with us.

Contact your client success manager in Basecamp and he/she will ensure it gets done in a timely fashion!

Yes, we ensure every website we build is optimized for mobile and tablet.

WordPress is the primary platform in which we build all of our Lead Machine Websites. By definition: WordPress is a free and open-source content management system. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes.

Review Generation Questions

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”

Our review generation software allows you to text message and email your customers right on the spot which drastically increases the amount of reviews obtained.

Yes. The same goes for Google. Customers need to be logged into their Google Account in order to leave a review on your Google My Business profile.

It very important that you respond as the owner. Many potential customers like to see how owners respond to issues.

  1. Log onto your profile at the following link or save this link as a desktop icon on your mobile phone:
  2. Enter the customers info and send! (It really is that easy)