Success Stories
Case Study: Pool Supply Store Triples Business
The key to marketing isn’t just simply spending X and getting Y in return. It’s about rolling out a laser-targeted marketing strategy that positions your business to gain an immediate ROI and set it up to scale. Mr. Pipeline helped this client attain a 13% conversion rate in a competitive space which created more foot traffic and more inbound phone calls.
Our challenge was to scale a 30 year old business with a steady stream of existing business. The owners believed they maxed out their local market share. The initial strategy was so successful that it swamped the pool supply store with over 20 leads per day. The immediate volume blew both of the owners away.
- New products and services were being introduced in conjunction with our marketing efforts
- New neighborhoods were being developed and opened in the surrounding areas
- A younger demographic was moving into the surrounding area
- Used Google AdWords, Bing Ads and Facebook marketing to target homeowners that owned a pool
- Implemented remarketing to advertise to prospects who didn’t convert on first visit to website
- Developed specific landing pages
- Created a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) in the form of a “Free Cleaning Guide”
- The initial strategy was so successful that it swamped the pool supply store with over 20 leads per day. The immediate volume blew both of the owners away.
- The analytics result was a low $9.04 cost per lead, with a 13% conversion rate.
- The ultimate result was a very successful strategy that led to 300% more business than the previous year.